Mission- Experience of the Father’s Provident love

My missionary experience in Mexico (Yucatàn) was beautiful, expressing what I experienced in words is not so easy, because what is lived in the heart does not find suitable words.
I arrived at the mission with great fear but entrusting everything in the hands of Divine Providence. At the beginning of the mission it was a bit strange, the continuous change of community with the new sisters, learning the language, and the culture to insert myself as a Daughter of Divine Providence in the apostolic journey, God made me continually experience providence in my daily life.
My experience of evangelization in Yucatan land has been an enrichment, in personal growth and above all in faith. The Lord has offered me the opportunity to work with the catechism of children and adults, in youth ministry, in villages and in the last 4 years I have lived a wonderful experience with the girls of the “Casa Divina Providencia” boarding school. I evangelized him but more than evangelizing it was a mutual accompaniment in the growth of faith, I was able to witness the presence of God throughout their life of pain, poverty, sadness and illness. I understood what it means to live with a people and to open my mind and my heart to welcome the newness of God every day and to concretely experience trust and abandonment in his providence. The main activity I carried out in the mission country was the religious formation of children and adults, home visits to pastoral centers and visits to villages and, at the end of the year, preparation for first communion and confirmation in parishes and villages.
The mission of our hostel “Casa Divina Providencia” is to provide comprehensive assistance to girls in vulnerable situations and provide a better quality of life, promote and restore their rights and duties. It is a very difficult job, being with them and listening to their painful experiences lived at an early age… but the joys and successes with the girls remind me of the thought of the founding Mother “…use simple and maternal ways with the girls …”
Finally, I would like to thank the Lord and the Mother General who have granted me this opportunity of the missionary experience of the Church and of the Congregation. I want to thank every little or big person that has come into my life and taught me a greater love for the Lord. Thanks for crossing my path!

Via Matteo Bartoli, 255 – Roma – Italia