The history of our Institute is traced by the presence of lay people, eager to share our Charism and spirituality. Over the years, the mission and evangelical witness of the Daughters of Divine Providence allowed the ex-students to love the spirituality of the Venerable Mother Elena Bettini, to the parents to live personally the surprises of Providence, hidden in the daily events and to some lay people to experience the fascination of God’s providential love in their lives. They have learned to read their existence in the light of the provident love of the Father and discovered that they are precious in his eyes, because they are loved and redeemed by his love. Therefore, they felt the need to be a small manifestation of Divine Providence in their everyday life, taking care of the most vulnerable people, with whom they come into contact, by following spontaneously the footsteps of our founders. In 1994, with the first Centenary celebration of the death of our Mother Foundress, the first group called “Lay Bettiniani” was officially born in Chile.


The layperson, who identifies with our charism, is called to live a filial, trusting abandonment to Divine Providence, in every situation of life, allowing himself to be formed by the Son of God who is “meek and humble of heart” and lives a filial relationship with the Father. They are careful to recognize the presence of God in the everyday events and to choose His will as one’s own. Relying on Him, they live the daily fatigue and the experience of pain in the light of the Paschal Mystery. The unconditional love of Christ enables them to be a “radiant testimony of Providence” in the family, in the workplace, in society and pastoral commitment.

• In Mary, Mother of Divine Providence, they find the model of faith, of unlimited trust, of abandonment, and freedom of giving.

• In Elena Bettini, they find a mother and a sister who knows the way of humility, simplicity, and becoming “providence” in freedom and joy.

• In Father Manini, they find a shining example of love for poverty as an unconditional trust in the will of God.


The formative journey of the FDP Laity tends to re-signify the Christian life of the person, especially in the secular charism, so that they may respond fully to God’s call.

The formative itinerary includes initial and ongoing formation.

Initial formation has a duration of minimum one year and leads the person to a gradual awareness of the identity of the Lay FDP. Ongoing formation accompanies them in the deepening of their identity and their mission and enables them to take responsibility for their own formation.


Fraternal life and prayer, especially the occasions of our religious family celebrations;

Communication and evaluation regarding the fidelity to the Charism, to the signs of times and to the Ecclesial orientations;
Experiences and information regarding the life and pastoral activity: elaboration and realization of the formative itinerary;x

  • Common service to the “poorest” in the same socio-pastoral areas.

Via Matteo Bartoli, 255 - Rome - Italy