Mother Foundress
Ven. Mother Elena Bettini

Triduum or novena to ask graces from the lord through
intercession of the venerable Mother Elena Bettini

O God, a provident and merciful Father, source of every good and of all comfort, I turn to You with filial trust, I humbly ask you to forgive all my sins and with fervent faith I beseech you, through the intercession of Venerable Mother Elena Bettini to grant me the grace …, which I confidently ask you.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory …
O Jesus, beloved Son of the Father, You, for our salvation have accepted to come to redeem us and with your “Here I am, send me” you have offered Yourself for us. I love You with my whole heart and with steadfast hope I beg you, through the intercession of Venerable Mother Elena Bettini to grant me the grace … which I ardently ask you.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory ….
O Holy Spirit, infinite love of the Father and the Son, regenerator of new life and creator of holiness, inflame and transform my heart with true charity and be favorable to the glorification of Your faithful spouse, the Venerable Mother Elena Bettini, by granting me through her intercession the grace … which I ask of you with complete confidence.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory ….

O God, good and merciful Father, in Your mysterious Providence, You have chosen Mother Elena Bettini, to be a witness of Your infinite goodness towards the needy. Grant that we, moved by the example of her life, generously lived, will imitate her and will follow her teachings with serene trust, making them alive and present in our daily life. We ask you this through Christ our Lord.
Via Matteo Bartoli, 255 - Rome - Italy