
Father Tommaso Lodovico Manini




He was born in Reggio Emilia on 7th of May to Pietro and Giuseppina Rocca.


The “Yes”

At the age of 19, he entered the Institute of Regular Clergy of St. Paul and the following year solemnly professed his religious vows in the family of the Barnabites.


Begins a New Mission

Father Manini was 26 years old and had all the enthusiasm in his heart of a youth consecrated to God and the charismatic fire of his Founder. On November 21st the school opened with the young nuns at San Carlo for the children abandoned to the mercy of the streets. The school of Providence is completely free and is too unusual news not to be noticed by the press: “Via dei Falegnami is a sight overflowing with common women with their ill-mannered and noisy daughters “.


Farewell Time

Father Manini was appointed as Superior of S. Dalmazzo in Turin. He had to leave Rome and the newly founded institute but always carried it in his heart with fatherly love. He greeted his daughters, blessing each one with following words: “You do not belong to yourselves nor to anyone else: you belong to God. The love you have for the Lord will teach and move you in your generous undertaking so that you will be able to say as the sacred bride: my loved one is entirely mine and I am entirely His, and I do nothing except to please Him. Be faithful to the Bridegroom, courageous in adversity, full of zeal for the good of others. Have charity and union among you and charity with all”.


A New Sacrifice

Father Manini asked the Holy See permission to leave his religious order to assist his elderly mother in Venice; the pontifical document authorized him to carry out his ministry as a diocesan priest.


Parish Priest In Venice

The Patriarch of Venice entrusted to him the parish of Saints Ermagora and Fortunato where he dedicated all his energy.  But after three years, the precarious health conditions forced him to retire to Monza at the newly began Institute of Sacramentine, where he directed the members spiritually for eight years.


Return To His Religious Family

On 18 May, after the death of his mother, Father Manini returned to his religious family and was part of the community in the College of Santa Maria di Carrobiolo in Monza where he zealously served in the ministry of confessions in the church of the Barnabites and of the Daughters of Charity.


Provincial Consultant

In the general chapter Father Manini is elected as Provincial Consultant, Rector of the House of Carrobiolo and Master of Novices.


Gets Sick

He fell seriously ill with dropsy (edema due to congestive heart failure).  The doctor advised him to leave Milan to breathe healthier air.  He went to Martinengo Bergamo to his friend Monsignor Sinibaldo Conti.


His Death

After having lived with this painful illness with great Spirit of faith and sacrifice,  he died in Martinengo (Bergamo) on 2 April.

Via Matteo Bartoli, 255 - Rome - Italy