Death Anniversaries

Founding Father – Fr. Lodovico Tommaso Manini

He lived the last months of his earthily life more than ever “abandoned confidently to the loving Providence of God”, as he had instilled in his daughters. After having received the sacrament of the sick with exemplary devotion, he died peacefully in the afternoon of April 2, 1872 in Martinengo, (BG) where a plaque forever remembers the name of this father, teacher and founder of the Daughters of Divine Providence..

Mother Founder – Venerable Mother Elena Bettini

It was the dawn of December 21, 1894, Elena Bettini fixing her gaze on the crucifix, in her bedroom, slowly and clearly pronounced her last words: “Here I am, poor like You Lord! Jesus … Mary … Joseph!


Foundation day of the Institute

Today, 8 September, the universal Church celebrates the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the religious family: “Daughters of Divine Providence born on this day in 1832 commemorates a charismatic event, entrusted by God to Father Ludovico Tommaso Manini and to the Venerable Mother Elena Bettini for the sake of the least of all time.
Remembering a sacred history to which we belong, helps our hearts to overwhelm with humble and confident, joyful and trusting gratitude.

Feast of Our Lady of Divine Providence

On the Saturday follows, the third Sunday of November, we celebrate the Mother of Divine Providence, protector of the Institute, born under her maternal gaze in the church of San Carlo in Catinari in the year 1832. We are called to live, in every situation, trusting abandonment into the hands of the Father who every day feeds the birds of the air and dresses the flowers of the fields with wonder. The Mother of Divine Providence teaches us to carry in our hearts even what is most difficult to understand and, as at the wedding at Cana, she repeats us, with the love of children, “Do whatever he tells you… “


100 Years Of The Mission

On August 31, 1921, the community residing in Via dei Coronari, Rome, moved to Via Tuscolana, which at the time was only a very poor suburb, continued the educational mission in the footsteps of our Founders.